Have a Question?


What platforms will my property be listed on ?

Predominately we use AirBNB as we find the best results with this platform. We also list on Booking.com and Stayz (HomeAway)

Who should use our services ?

Homeowners who need help with managing their home as holiday accomodation. 

If you want to create an income or increase your profits you are currently getting from your home, then we can help you !

How do I get started?

Contact Anna at Mind Your BNB for a property assessment and she will help to get your property set up with the right furnishings, decor, linen, bathroom and kitchen supplies etc.  She will help make this a smooth and easy process.

What types of properties do you manage ?

Basically, all types of properties ! Whether you have an entire house, an apartment, a spare room or a granny flat. We can help you !

What does your service cost ?

The properties we manage all have unique qualities. It is our job to create an experience for your guests that are at a very high level of satisfaction. We can help maximise earnings from your property. As a guide… our management fees range from 15-20% depending on location, value of property, occupancy rates, etc. To learn how much you can earn from your property, please contact us.

What happens if a guest damages my property ?

We will do our best to screen all guests to minimise chances of this happening by not allowing groups of party people. We will also ensure insurances are in place to cover any possible damages to your property.

Can I use my home for holidays ?

Of course ! Just let us know ahead of time so we can block dates out for you and your family.

Mon- Sun : 9am - 5pm